• Nairobi National Park_

Nairobi National park


Nairobi National Park is a park in Kenya located just 7 km from the City center south of Nairobi. The park was gazette as a National park in 1946, the first one in Kenya. Nairobi National Park is the only protected area in the world that sits close to the capital city, “The World’s only Capital City” and animal can be spotted against the high-rise buildings in the city. The park has over 100 mammals including the big four: Lion, rhino, leopard and buffaloes, a breeding and restocking site for endangered black rhino, big cats including lion, hyenas, cheetah and leopard. Other animals including larger groups of herbivores can also be found the park; zebras, wildebeest, common elands, Maasai giraffes, waterbuck, hartebeests and impalas. Masai ostrich is a commonly seen in the park. The park also has over 450 species of bird’s notable ones are black-headed heron, black-smith lapwing, common moorhen, Maasai ostrich and long-tailed ostrich, and at least 20 species of bird which are seasonal including ones are European migratory birds.

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