• Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Ol Pejeta Conservancy


Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a private protected area located on the foothills of Mount Kenya and Aberdare, central part of Kenya. The main purpose of the conservancy is to protect wildlife inside including all the big five; lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffaloes among other animal species which makes the place a great popular tourist destination. The Conservancy has a sanctuary named Sweetwater’s, located inside to care for orphaned and abused chimpanzees, the only place in Kenya where they can be seen. Sweetwater’s also provides protection for the only remaining two Northern white rhino in the world. Both black and white rhino are found here. Other animal species can be seen here including the rare and endangered  African wild dog, oryx, Jackson’s hartebeest, Grevy’s zebra, serval, cheetah and bat-eared fox. The Ol Pejeta Conservancy contributes on helping the surrounding communities through aid health, education, water and infrastructure projects. They also support the provision of agriculture and livestock extension services and the development of community-based conservation tourism ventures.

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